JS8Call on the ICOM IC-705

This article covers setting up the JS8Call for the ICOM IC-705, but if you’re completely new to JS8Call you might want to check out my Introduction to JS8Call article first, before digging into the configuration steps here. When you connect the radio to your laptop (or ruggedised tablet if you’re like me!), you should check the device …

An Introduction to JS8Call

JS8Call is a digital mode based on FT8, allowing for messaging with very weak signals. Whilst FT8 is a “QSO-only” protocol where only locations and signal reports are exchanged, JS8Call allows for arbitrary text-based messages to be exchanged. Does my radio support JS8Call? Many radios support JS8Call “out of the box”, such as my Yaesu …

WSJT-X and FT8 on the Yaesu FT-857D

This article covers setting up the DigiRig Mobile and WSJT-X for the Yaesu FT-857D, but if you’re completely new to FT8 you might want to check out my Introduction to FT8 article first, before digging into the configuration steps here. The Yaesu FT-857D does not have support for digital modes like FT8 out of the …